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In Praise of January Joiners

January 20, 2011

A couple of weeks back I read a post on Healthy Tipping Point that really got me thinking. Of course there are downsides to new people joining my leisure centre in their droves. For one, I’ve been cursing this past 3 weeks because I’ve had to park my car at the far end of the car park. I know, I know, I’m going to workout so why am I moaning about having to walk an extra hundred yards or so? Well, it’s cold outside! I haven’t even braved the gym this year so far, but I suspect I wouldn’t have the free reign I normally have to go on all the equipment when I want.

However, everyone has to make the decision at some point to join their local gym, exercise class, walking group or running club. We were all newbies once. Plus, there are some great benefits. Caitlin’s post inspired me to try and be more sociable at my classes and try to encourage the joiners. I’m quite shy by nature and when I go to a class I tend to operate in my own world. However, so far this year I’ve struck up conversions with several fellow exercisers and even learnt some names and I hope I’ve helped to encourage them to keep going.

Classes are often more fun with more people too. The circuits class I went to tonight had an attendance of 22 – before Christmas there were only 4 or 5 of us turning up on a regular basis. Some of the newbies are pretty fit too, which helps me up my game.

On to eats for today. Breakfast was some defrosted (previously) frozen blueberries with some Dorset Cereal’s Super High Fibre Muesli, milled flaxseed and skimmed milk. Mid morning I had some raw carrot and red pepper with hummus and 3 unpictured oatcakes.

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Lunch was more brown rice, this time with some sweetcorn, spinach, cucumber and fat-free cottage cheese. Mid-afternoon I had a 0% Total greek yogurt with some chopped dried apricots and pumpkin seeds. When I got home from work I had an apple and some hazelnuts to fuel for circuits.

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Dinner was a mushroom omelette made with some more of those delicious duck eggs. I started off by frying some sliced mushrooms in a little oil, once they were cooked I placed them in a bowl and mixed in about 3/4 tablespoon of low-fat soft cheese, some ground black pepper and a pinch of cumin powder. I then made a plain omelette and once it was cooked folded it over with the mushroom mixture in the middle. I served with loads of broccoli and courgette. This is one of my favourite quick meals – it’s so tasty! I had a red grapefruit for dessert.

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And – as promised here’s a great picture (taken by my boyfriend) of the ducks that produced those eggs having loads of fun in their garden paradise in Lincolnshire.


I’m off work on study leave tomorrow as I have an exam on Monday – eek! I’m sure I’ll write more about that over the weekend.

4 Comments leave one →
  1. January 20, 2011 11:16 pm

    I did try hard to get some pictures of the female ducks. 3 of of 5 in the picture are boys! I had some lovely shots of Sullivan on his own, but thought your more asute readers might notice.

    In the picture you have (from left to right), Pip, Sullivan, Dibble, Pebble and Midge. Mayflower, Pingu and Splodge didn’t make the frame on this one.

  2. January 20, 2011 11:18 pm

    Hey, thanks for the words of encouragement with the rowing! I don’t really have much idea what I’m doing, bar the stuff I’ve read from the plan I’m following. But it definitely feels like hard work!

    I like what you said about being more sociable. My PT tells me off for not smiling enough when I come into the gym, so I’ve been trying to be generally a bit more sociable and chatty. I know I’d hate to be a newbie in a class, and would really appreciate it if people were welcoming. God, I’m 30 and sound like I’m starting school all over again! I guess that’s why I row on my own 😀

  3. January 21, 2011 1:22 pm

    I know exactly what you mean about having to park at the far end of the carpark now that the gym is so busy… I’m not bothered about the increase of people inside the gym itself, but there’s something about not being able to park in my usual spot near the entrance that really irks me, haha!

    Your mushroom omlette looks lush. I don’t normally have soft cheese in, but I reckon i could replace that with hummous for equally tasty results. Thanks for the inspiration!

  4. January 21, 2011 8:24 pm

    I thought Caitlin’s post was great too and I don’t think there is any reason to be negative towards January Joiners. Yes, it is hard when the gym is full of people and you can’t get on with what you want but we all have to start somewhere and maybe a little positive encouragement will keep them coming back.

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